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Monday, June 15, 2009

Greg O'Quin Video Review

The video "Lead Me to Jesus" by Greg O’Quin is a vibrant, joyous and exhilarating example of just how far the evolution of gospel music combined with advances in videography can continue to impact our musical taste. There is a striking bond between the rhythmic staccato beat of the tune, the powerfully moving nature of the spiritually forceful lyrics and the magnificently edited choreography of faith-dance inspired modern dance scenes. The cinematography as well shows inspirational links that boldly enhance a heavenly glow that seems to grow in both brilliance and spectral range just as the performance of O’Quin’s magically resounding musical treatment reaches a sterling crescendo. By the end of this video, anyone who neither finds themselves sold on both this video’s spiritual power, its song and O’Quin’s performance must need a transfusion of faith for their soul. It is, simply put a modern masterpiece.